Wibut is a web interface (web based) back-up tool. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annual and time specific back-up processes can be performed without so much memory and CPU consuption.
Web administrators, system managers, IT experts etc. can use Wibut for low-scale and high-scale back-up works.
General Properties
- General purpose multi file & directory back-up system. Scenarios are:
- Full directory and file listing.
- Back-up process listing and creation.
- Easy installation.
- Security based on core admin scenarios.
- Platform and File System independent.
- Uses lightweight and threaded architecture during all backing up processes.
- Strong and enough reporting features for each back-up.
- Full back-up tree.
- Error and warning logs.
- File or directory states at processing time.
- No need to any RDBMS integration for usage.
- Works with Text/XML based files for reporting and logging processes.
- Integrated recovery system.
- Full or partial recovery properties in auto or manual manner.
- Back-up history, recovery milestones, recovery points.
- Several back-up, reporting, system options and utilities.
- Standart ZIP Compressing with different compressing levels.
- 9 different compression levels in ZIP standart.
- Also 0 (zero) compressed ZIP and directory back-up available.
- All files are updateable (should be writable) and downloadable (should be at least readable).
- Goal directed, on purpose, embeddable and simple tool.
Technical Properties
- Pure Java. Developed on up-to-date and stable J2EE version 1.5.
- Available for J2EE application servers.
- Interface design is full CSS based.